As you know, I went on vacation and rifled through several antique stores. I was so very excited to find tatting shuttles. I never thought of buying post shuttles because I've been stuck in my preference to use the metal boye shuttles. That bias was infiltrated by Nina Libin at TAT days. She suggested wonderful wood shuttles made in Russia which are perfect for her beading technique. The shuttles I purchased for her class are wonderful!

Ergo, a new addiction. While strolling through an outdoor antique market on Saturday morning of my vacation, I found a vendor with wonderful antique and vintage tatting tools, crochet works, and the hankies you've already seen. In this picture are three shuttles you probably have seen in the stashes of many tatters. BUT, I went overboard and purchased a sail makers shuttle. I'm thinking it will come in handy for something at sometime. (See, I didn't need it...I need rehab)

The crochet and bobbin lace pieces were in a pile and were being sold for pennies in relation to their value. I chose several which I believed at the time, were of higher quality or quite unique. (I may be wrong...but, I'm still learning)

I have this idea I'm going to accumulate wonderful works by many people in our past and who currently display their love for the art of lacework. I'm going to enjoy them and then, when I'm gone...(bless their hearts) my niece and nephew will have to figure out what the heck to do with it all. I'm already cuing them up to appreciate, preserve, and forward the group of work.

Now, living with a person who prides himself on being a minimalist (personally, I think that's a cover for obsessive compulsiveness), this 'accumulation' does not mesh well. That's where my creativity comes in and with a little help from the ladies at TAT days, I purchased a tatting tool organizer. They are out there. It's a fishing tackle box.

It even has room for a cooler. Large enough for a six pack of my favorite ginger ale or lunch...see?!

Well, I think that's enough a dose of my rambling for another day. I hope your weekend is grand and happy tatting!