Blocking Questions...
So, here it is: the Anne Orr 'Large Table Doily'. I'm working on the last full round and have gotten 1/2 way around. (still having trouble with the last split ring in each of the diamonds...they're getting better...just not as nice as I'd like)

I will probably soak and block the doily after this round and before the 15 small motifs are started. I have so many questions that I'm not sure where to begin.
To block:
1. Should I start in the center then alternate between the center and outer rounds?
2. What do I do with the unfinished thread space?
3. Do I direct all the unfinished thread space to march in file or can it find it's own way?
So, you get the picture. I need some suggestions as to how you might progress with a mess like this. I've got the pins. I've got the blocking foam. Now, two more days of tatting and's off to blocking land.
Please, help bring the blocking anxiety into a manageable place.
Happy day!