Sunday, August 10, 2014

Chugging along

Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug.....

What better way to reduce stress than tat a hanky edge.  For me, the repetition of rings and chains is quite therapeutic.  The familiarity of the pattern allows one to breathe in and breathe out drifting in and out of different thoughts and dreams.

A few more days and I will finish the second round of the wedding hanky.

As I noted in a previous post, the corners have been challenging.  I really don't know what I was thinking.  Let's just mark it up to being a bit rusty.  After the first two 'misses', I figured out the clover sequence that works....however, I didn't have the heart to retrotat nor did I want to rip out and discard the work I had completed.  So, on the second round I've been improvising on each of the corners, adding additional doubles here and there.

Just one more corner and I'll be left with the never ending 'frilly' rows.

On another note, last weekend we traveled to the mountains for a quick getaway and ran across these friends...

Until next time,


  1. The hanky is looking beautiful, I am looking forward to seeing it when you have finished it.
    Lovely picture of the deer, they don't usually stay very long to get a picture.

  2. Love your hanky and I agree that it is nice to do something simple

  3. Hi, Haven't seen any new posts and was wondering if everything is okay? Love your tatting! I've been tatting edgings with Sulky quilting thread, it's about the same size as the old DMC Cordonnet Special #150, and the colors are fantastic. Just love the way it fits into a pocket or purse. Take care!

  4. Just discovered your site and love your tatting. I would love to learn to tat...I have my mother-in-law shuttle and would like to give this a try. Any beginning suggestions? Any help is appreciated.

  5. Don't know if you're still suffering from your tendonitis, I hope you're better now. Have you tried a larger tatting shuttle, like a Tasty? There's less stress on the hand compared to a smaller size shuttle. Sometimes you can find a bargain on them.

    If I had a 3D printer, I'd make my own. Saw someone on Etsy selling Lucets made on her 3D printer.

  6. I find repetitive tasks like crocheting very relaxing.
