Saturday, October 31, 2009

The benefits of a foggy, dreary day...

This morning I woke up to a foggy, dreary day. Although I live only blocks from the center of our city, I could not see the skyline. So, the only option was to curl up in the chair and work to complete a project. Tah Dah!! I'm finaly done with the pink edge.

There were several things I learned in the process. As part of the gift bag from the Palmetto tatting guild tat days I was the owner of this Presencia, Finca No. 16 thread. It is obviously varigated and therefore varied in thicknesses. I didn't know this was a reality when working with varigated threads. So, go tight tatting had to losen a bit, and yes, I broke the thread many times (including once in the final motif).

I'm beginning to realize hankie edges are tedious and boring. This one project was a bit lengthy, taking approximately 6 weeks to complete. During this project I worked on another edge as well as another pair of baby booties. At any rate, it's complete thanks to a wonderfully dreary day...(I love days like this).


  1. Well its been a lovely Autumn day here in the UK, not too cold and we saw the sun! The edging is lovely, your tatting is very neat, the thread sounded a bit challenging though!

  2. What a beautiful edging! I looks so nice! Glad to hear you made the best of a dreary day! It is lovely here today in California. Maybe that is why I didn't get any tatting done!

  3. I agree... tatted edgings do become a bit tedious and boring, but the end result is beautiful!

  4. Hello John, I love the header picture on your blog! The Hanki edging is BEAUTIFUL!! Lovely pink color too!! We are having a bit of a warm spell in PA also. I don't know how long that will last though. Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi there! So glad to see another joining our little community. :-)

    Beautiful edging....but you are completely right. tedious for sure. Keep up the good work!

  6. John, have you ever heard of a striver? I have one made for me; a lobster clasp with beads hanging from it, ending in a bead with my initial. For edgings, I clip the striver where I start for the day and then when I'm done I can see my progress, even if it's only a repeat or two. Nothing that I've experienced removes the tedium of an edging, but a striver relieves some of it.

    Welcome to the world of tatters (& bloggers).

  7. Oh, and not all variegated threads also vary in size. I love variegated and rarely run into one whose diameter changes with the dye.
